The Second Story for Teen Shelter (Vienna VA)

Little Sisters of the Poor (monthly)

Chef, Sister Jeanne, Justin Wang, Eddie He
Candace Wei, Sister Jeanne, Justin Wang

Food Distribution Center – Salvation Army – Feedmore (monthly)

Mr. Justin Wang, founder of the Salvation Army club at Gilman School (Baltimore, MD), has been organizing students to participate in the Salvation Army’s Feed More program. Each month, Justin and his friends spend an afternoon at Baltimore’s Salvation Army garage preparing hundreds of sandwiches and dinner boxes, which are then distributed to the homeless in downtown Baltimore each night by truck. This month, students went above and beyond; they decided to solicitate and cook hot meal dinners to deliver to the homeless. They started with visiting local restaurants to ask for donations. However, since most restaurants are still struggling to recover from the past year’s losses due to COVID, most of them turned down the students. In the end, only one restaurant in Columbia, Hunan Manor, offered to donate some chicken. In order to provide enough food to be distributed, the students decided to make and donate the majority of the food themselves, including fried rice, chicken nuggets, steamed vegetables, and granola bars. In the end, a total of 71 hot meals were created and packed in the Salvation Army garage. The students then went on street to distribute the meals to the homeless by hand, and the food was very well received by all, with one person proclaiming that it was their “favorite food.” The students were delighted knowing that they made many people’s days brighter through their efforts, and have determined to help more people in the coming year through this event. 

Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department

Left to Right: Anthony Wei, Angela Wei, Ron Kuley, Ellen Cheng, Josefine Liau, Jason Liau and Eric Liau

delivery event

Feb-Apr: N95 donations